Bounty Hunter and Bail Bondsman Salaries in Virginia

One of the first questions most people are curious about is how much do bounty hunters and bail bondsmen earn each year. The answer to this question is more complicated than one might think, however there are salary figures available.

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After obtaining the necessary licensure, candidates will be ready to begin working in their field of choice as long as they follow the appropriate Virginia state laws. Factors that affect a bondsman or bounty hunter’s salary levels include:

  • Self-employment or employment with an agency
  • References, reputation, and word-of-mouth recommendations
  • Location in a populated city such as Arlington, or a rural county with a low population
  • Full-time or part-time work/employment
  • Level of motivation


Bounty Hunter Salary in Virginia

The following numbers represent the average yearly bounty hunter salaries in locations across Virginia:

  • Statewide: $47,000
  • Arlington: $56,000
  • Richmond: $45,000
  • Virginia Beach: $35,000
  • Norfolk: $35,000
  • Chesapeake: $35,000
  • Alexandria: $56,000
  • Portsmouth: $35,000
  • Hampton: $35,000


Bail Bondsman Salary in Virginia

These following statistics for bail bondsman salaries in Virginia represent the compilation and averaging of real-time info from job announcements, career descriptions, and other available data. The salary figures provided do not include a significant source of revenue for bail bondsman: commission percentage fee. These usually starts at 10 percent of the given bond amount and go up depending on factors including flight risk. The following salary numbers are for entry-level salaried positions with bail bond agencies:

  • Statewide: $24,000
  • Arlington: $28,000
  • Richmond: $22,000
  • Virginia Beach: $17,000
  • Norfolk: $18,000
  • Chesapeake: $18,000
  • Alexandria: $28,000
  • Portsmouth: $18,000
  • Hampton: $18,000

These two professions – particularly in the case of bounty hunters – are perfect for independently-minded citizens who are go-getters. A significant determining factor for salaries is personal motivation.

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