Animal Planet’s “Rocky Mountain Bounty Hunters” Follows Bounty Hunter Teams

Animal Planet’s series, “Rocky Mountain Bounty Hunters,” is back for a second season. The series, which is filmed in locations in Colorado and Montana, follows the bounty hunting teams of Colorado’s Clint Simmons and Dayson Goetz and Montana’s Mike “Animal” Zook and Rob Hoyt.

In this six-part series, these two bounty hunter teams pursue “armed and unpredictable delinquents” who scale the dangerous mountain terrain in an attempt to avoid justice and time behind bars. Just a few of the challenges facing the bounty hunters of “Rocky Mountain Bounty Hunters” include coming close to black bears and traversing steep climbs.

The Colorado Team

The Colorado team of Simmons and Goetz had their beginnings working on Colorado cattle ranches. Now they work full-time catching criminals as bounty hunters.

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Their work includes following the region’s most-wanted offenders, who run from charges that include everything from assault to drug trafficking. The Animal Planet show details the team’s adventures as they make their way through the area’s rocky peaks and dense forests.

The Montana Team

Animal Planet also follows the Montana team of Zook and Hoyt as they make their way through the untamed Montana and Idaho wilderness, tracking fugitives on the run. Zook and Hoyt have worked together in the bounty hunting business for the better part of the last decade, after first meeting when they worked as security at a local bar and then working briefly as bail bondsmen, operating their own bail bond agency. They now work for a number of bail bond agencies throughout Montana and Idaho.

Their adventures in bounty hunting often take them through the treacherous landscape of the Rockies, where they hunt down those who attempt to evade them.

The new season, which began on January 11, will feature 10, one-hour episodes. The new season is expected to draw a larger viewership, with season 1 averaging about 766,000 viewers.

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